Our Services

We offer a wide range of services in valves, with a technical staff qualified to deal with different physical characteristics and specific projects of each equipment. We carry out technical assistance and repair of blocking, control, safety valves and actuators in general. We work with valves of any size, pressure class and type of seal (soft or metal-to-metal), including low and high temperature valves, as well as valves for subsea applications.

"Engineered" Special Valves

We are market leaders, offering advanced technology for every application, pressure and fluid. We guarantee fast repairs to minimize downtime.


Control valve service

Control valve service, maintenance and calibration of control valves is offered by BRS in order to ensure the proper performance of these components over time.


Shutoff valve services

Our stop valve services offer advanced technology to meet the specific needs of each application, pressure and fluid. Plus, we guarantee fast repairs to minimize downtime.


Safety valve services

Our safety valve service as a whole is of excellence in the market, differentiated service and suitable for this type of equipment.

serviço de teste hidroestático e pneumático

Hydrostatic and pneumatic testing service

We offer hydrostatic and pneumatic testing services to ensure the integrity and safety of pressure vessels and piping systems.


Actuated Valves Services

We offer specialized services in actuated valves, which are valves equipped with pneumatic, hydraulic or electric actuation systems.

Solutions and Products


Trunnion Ball Valves

BRS offers complete and customized solutions to meet your needs. Our valves, manufactured using state-of-the-art European technology, guarantee resistance, durability and reliability.

engrenagem valve service

Gearbox, levers and flywheels

In partnership with MECCFOR/IT, a renowned international company in the sector, we specialize in the supply of quarter-turn manual actuation devices for industrial valves, such as gearboxes, levers and handwheels.


Lip-Seal and Sealing

In partnership with ESA/Italia, we are specialists in the supply of sealing for pipes, valves and equipment, with European technology tailored to different sectors of Brazilian industry.

Authorized Representative

BRS is proud to be an authorized representative, acting both as a commercial representative and as a technical representative, for the manufacturers mentioned below. As a service center of excellence for these manufacturers, we are able to offer reliable services and sales, always adhering to international and national quality standards and best practices. Our specialized teams are trained to meet both the technical and commercial needs of customers, providing a comprehensive and high quality service. Through this partnership, we guarantee the total satisfaction of our customers.

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Years of experience!



Who we are

BRS VALVE SERVICE is a company specialized in services for the main foreign valve manufacturers. Founded in 2007 in Itapema/SC – Brazil, with a unit in Miami, Florida – USA, we offer after-sales, technical assistance, maintenance, repair and calibration for industrial valves and seals, including “Lip-Seal”. Our differential is the specialization in services at the client’s location, both on-shore and off-shore.

Our Customers