Lip-Seal and Sealing

Certified Company

selo crc petrobras
brs valve service

Supply and Solutions for Industrial Seals and Lip-Seal

In partnership with ESA/Italy, we specialize in providing sealing for pipes, valves and equipment, with European technology tailored to various sectors of Brazilian industry. We offer a complete 360° service, from conception to final product, with detailed attention to all phases of the production process, including 2D and 3D drawings, design support and plotting. We guarantee excellence in product quality and total customer satisfaction.

We cover all seals in general, such as metallic seals, soft seals, among others.

We have a certificate of excellence in supplying gaskets energized by “Lip-Seal” springs, divided into main types (radial and axial) and static and dynamic. Our careful planning guarantees the proper functioning of the energized fence, avoiding serious consequences for the end customer.

With agile and local delivery time, we serve several industrial sectors.

The concept of energized label.

The way the seal works is quite simple. There is an external component called a glove, usually in fluorinated polymer, which corresponds to the seal, and an internal spring that makes the system elastic. Once the seal is mounted on its seat, the spring is compressed due to the interaction of the seal with the groove, thus exerting a force which, together with that generated by the system under pressure, ensures that the seal remains in place.
Lip-Seal and Sealing

Figure 1 – Functional diagram of the seal.

The analysis and study of Finite Elements helps us to better understand what the basic concepts of the seal are and which parts of the seal are more likely to give out under pressure. Below is an example of a seal installed in a groove where the compression dynamics (in this case, minimal) of the spring can be clearly seen and the virtual absence of sleeve deformation.
Lip-Seal and Sealing

Figure 2 - Initial seal deflection

At this point, the system subject to pressure exerts a force that deforms the seal, modifying the contact surface with the seat.

Lip-Seal and Sealing

Figure 3 – Change in contact areas due to the effect of internal pressure.

The relationship between the internal pressure and the pressure exerted by the seal for compartmentalization is shown in the diagram below:

Lip-Seal and Sealing

Figura 4 – Pressão de contato versus aumento de pressão interna.


Energized seals for valves in the OIL & GAS sector for the following conditions:

  • pressure: from class 150 to 2500 (ASME standard) -API 5000-10000-15000
  • temperature: from -196°C in cryogenic applications to +300°C in high temperature applications
  • medium fluid: from soft water to aggressive fluids with high percentages of H2S, including gases and hydrocarbons in general
  • cross section: from 3/32” (2.3 mm) to 1/2” (12.4 mm), with finger springs and toroidal springs, both radial and axial types.


Energized seals are divided into two main types: Radial and Axial, both Static and Dynamic. When determining operating conditions, the appropriate spring is chosen during the design phase – either “Toroidal”, “Finger” or “V” (commonly referred to as Raco®). All springs differ in material and load, so careful design is critical to proper energized seal function.

Ignoring this important step leads to inappropriate products, which can have serious repercussions for the end customer. For easy identification, we have divided the seals into “Series”, each representing different combinations of types, materials, springs and usage, and they cover almost our entire product range. Excluding combinations shown below, we manufacture other identified types and sizes to our specific designs.

The series listed above represent our generic seals; once the seal has been identified (eg 600 series, 604 model) we will define all component materials and the most suitable uses.

Guarnizioni Radiali

Series 600 with Toroidal spring:

Series 700 with molla a Pettine:

Series 400 with Toroidal spring:

Series 500 with Pettine spring:

Guarnizioni Assiali

Series 800 with Toroidal spring:

Series 900 with Toroidal spring: