Our Services

Market leaders in services for special “Engineered” valves, developed for specific applications, following international and national standards. Specialized in predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance, we serve long, medium and short term contracts, including periodic stops at the customer’s site or in our external workshop. We adapt to customers’ immediate needs, with a mobile unit to handle any valve service application.

We expand our valve services to meet the specific needs of each equipment. Our qualified technical team performs technical assistance and repairs on blocking, control, safety and actuator valves. We service valves of different sizes, pressure classes from 150 to API 15000 and seal types, including subsea and high temperature applications.

For welded valves, we offer proper damage assessment and repair procedures. We perform pneumatic, hydrostatic and leak detection tests covering all pressure classes and fluids. In addition, we conducted risk studies for lifting loads on large diameter valves.

We also provide specialized ball valve training for our customers’ technical staff.

We are committed to providing quality, expert solutions to meet our customers' needs.


"Engineered" Special Valves

We are market leaders, offering advanced technology for every application, pressure and fluid. We guarantee fast repairs to minimize downtime.


Control Valve Service

Control valve service, maintenance and calibration of control valves is offered by BRS in order to ensure the proper performance of these components over time.


Shutoff Valves Services

Our stop valve services offer advanced technology to meet the specific needs of each application, pressure and fluid. Plus, we guarantee fast repairs to minimize downtime.


Safety Valves Services

Our safety valve service as a whole is of excellence in the market, differentiated service and suitable for this type of equipment.

serviço de teste hidroestático e pneumático

Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Test Service

We offer hydrostatic and pneumatic testing services to ensure the integrity and safety of pressure vessels and piping systems.


Actuated Valves Services

We offer specialized services in actuated valves, which are valves equipped with pneumatic, hydraulic or electric actuation systems.